Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Political Theory Essay

Envy Test—The theory that the division of resources is actually equal if and only if one person does not prefer someone else’s portion of the wealth to his own. That means that if everyone in society is ahppy with what they have as compared to what everyone else has then the society passes the envy test. This has never happened and seems contrary to human nature. The further fallacy is that it could ever be achieved in that some people are born with innate talents that cannot be changed to give them fewer resources. Unremunerated rights—Proponents of this political theory argue that the Bill of Rights was not intended as a list of all the rights a person should be guaranteed under the Constitution. They argue that rights not listed, for instance the right to privacy, still exist. This theory was first put forth by the Warren Court in arguing that people had a right to privacy. It is also frequently used in the abortion rights debate as a justification for a woman’s right to control her own body. Politics of recognition—this is the political theory that argues we can only achieve enlightenment and equality when we recognize that people are not homogenous and acknowledge the inherent differences among people. This is almost the exact opposite of politics of equality which claim that all people have the same basic needs, wants and desires and should be treated all the same. Civic engagement—is the term used to define a person’s involvement in the social and political causes of the world around them. In psychology, it used primarily to describe how involved a person is in social causes—volunteering at a soup kitchen, etc. In political science terms, it is used to define how involved a person is in the participatory aspects of government—do they just vote, take an active role in campaigns, support certain candidates, etc. Black consciousness—primarily used in relation to South African politics, this is the theory than being black is more than a skin color and represents the way the minority chooses to act toward itself and toward others. The movement argues that blacks in South Africa exploit each other more than whites exploit each other and that part of the problem is a culturally defined set of values and attributes that they have accepted about themselves. The movement calls for blacks to band together to change the way they treat themselves and to change the way they are treated by the remainder of society. Veil of ignorance—this is the theory that citizens are deliberately kept in the dark about the actual effects of certain legislation. In 1971, philosopher John Rawls argued that social justice requires that people be blind to the way something will impact them in particular and look instead to how it affects society as whole. In recent years, the argument has been made the special interest groups have lifted the veil of ignorance making everyone consider how legislation affects them personally. Universal citizenship—the goal of universal citizenship is to eliminate all barriers to participation in the political process. Thus, under a proposal for it in the European Union, even children would have the right to vote, though this would be carried out by their parents until they reached a certain age either 16 or 18. It assumes that everyone should have an equal right to participate in the political process. Anthropocentrism—is the process of viewing things from a solely human perspective and the word is usually used in a derogatory sense implying that by being so self-absorbed in the wants, needs and desires of humanity we may be ignoring the needs of another equally important species. This is completely in opposition to the concepts of survival of the fittest and to the victor goes the spoils. According to Dworkin, Adrian (the gardener) owes nothing to Bruce (the tennis player), as a matter of justice. Although they will have unequal goods, this is not unjust. However, Adrian might owe something to Claude (the unsuccessful gardener), and Adrian’s descendents may owe something to Bruce’s descendents. Why? In your answer, be sure to identify and apply Dworkin’s theory of distributive justice. In Dworkin’s theory of distributive justice, the beginnings are the all important state as is their impact on the end.   In this scenario, the statement that Adrian owes nothing to Bruce implies that they began life with equal resources or that Bruce began life with greater resources. It does not discuss whether Bruce might owe something to Adrian. Likewise, by saying that Adrian might owe something to Claude, who is unemployed, it implies that Claude and Adrian have equal resources and equal talents, but that Adrian has been successful where Claude has not. Furthermore, by saying that Adrian’s descendants might owe something to Bruce’s descendents the question implies that those descendants might have unequal beginning resources and ending statuses. The key to Dworkin’s distribution of wealth theory is that equal resource means equality. Therefore, if both Adrian and Bruce have the same basic resources—family, education, etc.—then they have met the initial requirement for equality. However, when a situation develops so that Adrian envies the things that Bruce has, the equality is gone. The problem with Dworkin’s theory is that it fails to address the impact of talents in the equation and also fails to address non-financial aspects of the envy test. For example, if Adrian and Bruce are able to achieve equal financial success with their respective professions, they should be equal under the envy test, but if Adrian believes (accurately or not) that Bruce has a more glamorous life with less work, more access to fame, etc., then the situation may still fail the envy test. This example perfectly demonstrates the flaws in the envy test and in Dworkin’s theory. Regardless of the flaws, Dworkin’s theory has been largely employed and thus the other caveats of the question.   The way that Dworkin’s theory has been employed, it is accepted as a given that Claude, who is unemployed, will be envious of Adrian and therefore they will be unequal. To even out this inequality, the government application of the theory has been to take resources (in the form of taxes) from Adrian and give them to Claude. The problem with this solution is that it can create envy in the opposite direction. To make them equal, you would have to remove half of what Adrian has and give it to Claude so that he would not be envious of Adrian. Then, the two would have equal resources.   Then, however, Adrian is likely to be jealous of Claude who has all the same things that Adrain does but who has not had to work for them; he will envy Claude’s lifestyle. Ultimately, much of the bashing done about the distribution of wealth system comes down to just that—another form of envy. The liberal view of universal citizenship has been challenged by feminists and advocates for race-based identity politics. What is this view, what about it has been challenged, and what is it alleged to be missing? In your answer, discuss the theories of Young/MacKinnon and Fanon/Biko. The problem with the liberal view of universal citizenship is that it requires as basis equality. If all people were equal, had always been equal, and would always been equal, then the concept of universal citizenship would be not only valid, but the appropriate thing to promote. However, the reason that it is widely-challenged by feminists and advocated for race-based identity politics is that at no point in human history have individuals ever been treated as true equals. MacKinnon and other feminists argue that it is more likely that without identifiable and motivate sub-groups of voters, the system will default o maintaining the status quo and will as a consequence promote dominance by white male society. Fanon’s argument is similar though not exactly the same. He argues that to appreciate the value of citizenship, one must have been involved in a violent struggle to attain it. This is sort of revolutionary politics at heart. It assumes that people do not value rights that they are given so much as those that they fight for. The basic premised is that in fighting, through violent struggle to attain citizenship and later the rights conveyed with citizenship, the African-American (and to a lesser extent other racial groups) has gained a self-identity that would be lost if they had been granted universal citizenship. It is possible that the opposition to universal citizenship comes from our ingrained belief in traditional political theory as developed by dead white men who placed huge limitations on citizenship including social class, race, gender, age, land ownership and literacy as well as other requirements through the ages. It should also be considered whether, despite their high-minded motivations, feminists and others who have been granted citizenship and the rights therein are not opposing universal citizenship in their own out-moded version of us versus the other. As they are no longer a distinctive portion of the other, it is possible that they desire to continue to bestow that status on different individuals including recent immigrants and children. Conservative opponents to universal citizenship say that the concept eliminates concepts of national allegiance and even racial allegiance, leading to a homogony of people that destroys diversification and eliminates cultural differences. While some proponents would say that is exactly the point, opponents point out that assimilation of all different ideas into one mainstream is counterproductive and eliminates the desire for and will to change. Kymlicka claims that all approaches to contemporary political theory endorse the proposition that all persons should be treated as equals, and that their disagreement comes down to the practical question of what that entails. What must be done to treat all persons as equals, according to libertarianism, liberal equality, utilitarianism, feminism, and Marxism? According to libertarian philosophy, equality happens when people do not use force against one another and people are given all rights which do not impose on the rights of others. This is the ultimate culmination of the Wiccan creed of â€Å"It harm none, do what though wilt.†   Libertarians believe in the defensive use of force to protect what is yours, but are staunchly opposed to the use of aggressive force. Aggressive force can never be used to promote equality. Those who argue for liberal equality believe that it is the opportunity matters. If people are given an equal chance at success, then the system has been successful according to those who support liberal equality. Utilitarians believe that people are equal when the common good is enacted for the rights of all people and that the common good applies equally to all members of society. Proponents of this theory argue that good is the important motivator and if all the actions are taken in a strict moral and ethical stance for the good of all people then the actions are inherently equal. Feminism comes in two distinctive branches: one simply promoted that after years of oppression a woman is equal to a man and can therefore do anything he can do. In an extreme form of feminism, some believe that the woman’s capability of imbuing life and her propensity for compassion make her superior to the male of the species.   The problem in extreme forms of feminism is that they also believe women should be given more than equal opportunities in an effort to make up for the centuries of oppression by men and that men should be denigrated to the class of secondary citizens.  Ã‚   Marxist theory claims that men are unequal in their talents and abilities, but that one talent or ability should not be more highly valued than another—thus a person whose talent is in digging ditches should be as valued as a person whose talent is neurosurgery. Are equal rights sufficient for realizing justice? Why or why not? In your answer, consider and discuss those theories of justice that find equal rights sufficient as well as those that do not. Equal rights are not sufficient for justice. There must also be an equal application of those rights. For instance, if a black man and a white man are accused of a crime, both have an equal right under the law to a jury of their peers, but depending on the racial makeup of the jury selection pool, they may not have an equal opportunity for the enforcement of those rights. A black man may find himself facing a just or only white Americans and vice versa.   Likewise, technically a rich man and a poor man have the same right counsel if accused of a crime, but the reality of access tells us that the rich man will likely hire an independent lawyer and will be less likely to serve time for his crime.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cause and Effect of Advertising on Blood Donation Essay

Over the last 30 years, there have been many campaigns in order to promote blood donation. The purpose and focus of these advertisements has been to promote unpaid volunteers to donate blood. This blood is direly needed to keep blood banks full in order to service individuals who need blood transfusions around the world. Overall, blood donation advertising has been extremely successful in producing the desired effect. In the past, there was a shortage of younger individuals who were donating blood. Thus, blood donation organizations launched hip and youth focused campaigns in order to encourage these individuals to donate. The campaign focused on television, radio and internet advertising in order to reach youths. has connected with Facebook to encourage blood donation. Socialblood, which can be seen below, allows you to join groups based upon your blood type. The effect of these efforts has resulted in more youth donating blood and then passing the word along. By word of mouth, the youth of the world are conducting their own advertising campaign to keep efforts alive. Also, there have been jobs created for individuals to be liaisons to high school and college students. These individuals organize and conduct blood drives in high schools, colleges, and even social organizations such as sororities, fraternities, and clubs. This has been money well spent and has resulted in less paid donations. Blood donation advertising increased due to the need for not just blood, but the need for clean blood. During the 1970s, much of the blood in blood banks came from paid donors. Since the screening process to donate at the time was minimal to non-existent, there was a large risk that blood donors could carry diseases. Many individuals, including drug users and people who did not practice safe sex, donated blood in order to make extra money. In fact, some of these diseases carried by donors were not even discovered or named until later on. Paid donors had tainted the blood supply with diseases such as HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. It was not until the late 1980s that a more extensive method of testing was developed. Now the number of blood donations not tested is extremely slim. Also, many countries have made it illegal to pay donors to donate their blood and rely solely on volunteers to provide blood banks with their supply. Clean blood donations have drastically impacted people and the economy. By ensuring that blood supply is not tainted, people are receiving much safer blood and are impacted less by life threatening diseases. This also positively impacts the economy by a reduction in lawsuits and settlements. It also keeps insurance costs for diseases contracted through blood transfusions. Blood donation advertising has increased the number of individuals turning out to donate blood at consistently and during times of need. These individuals are donating their blood in order to help individuals in crisis. Often, advertising is not even needed to encourage individuals to turn out when there is a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or tornado. There was a major outpouring during the time following Hurricane Katrina and during last year’s tornados in Alabama and Tennessee. One of the greatest effects of blood donation advertising and increased donation is the screening of blood for diseases. Individuals are screened for specific illnesses prior to donation, such as anemia. This can result in an individual finding out about a particular illness that may have gone undetected until much later. This can save individuals and insurance companies a lot of money. Thus, it would have a less negative impact on the economy. Other diseases are screened for after donation. Depending on the organization, individuals will likely be informed if they have a life threatening blood borne disease. This can impact an individual greatly through early intervention or by informing them about a disease that could be impacting them with little to no knowledge of its existence. In fact, hepatitis has may not show any symptoms for decades. By that time most of the damage has already been done. It would most likely present itself as cirrhosis or even liver cancer. The treatment for both can be very costly, such as liver transplant, or even futile. The reasons for blood donation advertisement focus on raising awareness to different individuals to volunteer their time and blood to help fill local blood banks to capacity. However, the impact and effect of donating is much more long lasting. By donating blood, an individual may not be just giving life to someone else, but life to themselves or even to the economy. References Blood Centers of the Pacific | Media Room | PR Archive 2004 | Press Release Archive 2004. (n.d.). Blood Centers of the Pacific | Find the hero in you. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from San Jose Blood Bank: Blood Donation | Ads of the Worldà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢. (n.d.). Ads of the Worldà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ | Creative Advertising Archive & Community. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from Socialblood leverages Facebook to help you find blood donors – Apps. (n.d.). The Next Web – International technology news, business & culture. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from WHO Blood Safety and Availability. (n.d.). World Health Organization. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from n/

Monday, July 29, 2019

E mail response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

E mail response - Essay Example Doe’s policy, the issuance of instructional handouts takes place during lectures, where I usually avail extra directives regarding on how to tackle assigned tasks using materials already provided. Therefore, in exercising fairness in class while Prof. Doe is away, I will try being lenient and offer makeup quizzes where necessary though with a lot of caution. This is to ensure when Prof. Doe resumes, there are no pending assignments or tasks that will disorient her while waiting for prolonged submissions, which may interfere with her program. I will also avail adequate and timely instructional handouts to the students so that each has the necessary materials meant to tackle the assigned tasks during lectures. Hence, ensure both timely submissions of assignments and fewer excuses for makeup quizzes. However, discouraging the latter entails clear explanations besides motivating students to inquire where they may need assistance both in class confinements and even outside. This is via email or telephone (though within the day) such that they are able to receive quick responses instead of waiting for physical interaction with them. Hence, make them feel supported, whereby they wil l tackle varied tasks with ease and in time. I look forward to a healthy interaction with students who will be under my care for this extremely short time, while Pro. Doe will be away at a conference. This encompasses resolving cordially other issues that may arise in the process between me and the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Movie Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie Analysis - Essay Example Each of these characters have exhibited different ways of leading their fellow team members or the students as well as their colleagues in various ways. While Coach Boone, as the main coach has motivated the team and also provided the impetus to enjoy and win every game forgetting all forms of individual limitations and racial differences, Bill Yoast exhibited leadership quality by motivating players and taking adequate initiatives to assist Coach Boone to excel other teams in all divisions of team game. Gerry Bertier, being captain of the team has successfully guided his teammates to victory forefront, established instance that racial differences should not affect their performance as a team in the field by establishing a close friendship, both in and off the field with Julius Campbell and also made strong decisions to ensure high level of performance of the team by removing his white friend Ray, who attempted to impact the team’s performance by due to his personal disliking against African-Americans. Ronnie Bass, has also exhibited his leadership capacity by developing a cozy relationship with all team members, irrespective of all racial differences and identifying his capacity to lead, Coach Boone has also referred him as â€Å"the colonel† (Remember the Titians 2000). However, carefully pondering over each of the character’s contribution in the entire performance of the team it can be said that except Coach Boone, each of the other three were prescribed with specific duties to lead different departments of the team but Coach Boone was actually responsible for the entire situation and he has emerged as the leader in the film. Apart from the formal assignment to lead the team to win, he encountered the greatest challenges, namely to ingrate the team going beyond the scope of racial differences and to fight against all

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Information Technology in Various Countries Essay

Information Technology in Various Countries - Essay Example It has direct influence in the daily lives of the people. The collapse of the information technology will endanger the existence of the society. Implementation of technology has been in varied extent in different countries. The human development statistical table provides a whole view of the development made by the countries based on certain parameters. One such parameter involves the access to information system and communication technology. The parameter to information system comprises of certain element like number of mobile and fixed line telephone subscription, the total percentage of population covered by the mobile phone networks , the total percentage of the broadband subscriptions and the number of the users of the Internet (â€Å"Human development Statistical table, n. d). The statistical table of human development of the year 2010 reflects that countries ranked with higher human development index have a better percentage of the users of internet. Countries like Norway, Ne therlands and the United states which are ranked as 1, 7 and 4 respectively have higher number of users of the internet facility. Whereas the countries ranked lower according to the human development index signifies that their rate of computer usage is very low. In countries like Chile, Mexico and Romania this significant trend is noted. Among the three countries with low usage Mexico has only 22% of the users which is lowest among them. The total number of subscription in Mexico has been considerably very low with only 7 percent as accounted in the report. The overall standing of Chile, Mexico and Romania are 53, 64 and 50. (â€Å"Human development Statistical table, n. d) The above discussion shows that the adoption of technology has been a crucial indicator of the overall development of the society and it impacts significantly in the growth of the societies. Modern Technology polluting the world The use of gadgets has significantly increased over the last decade with the latest innovation in technology. Modern technology has gained colossal achievement and has become a part of the lifestyle of every people in the developed and the developing countries. The modern technology is been publicized and will continue to do so with aging of time. Apart from the positive benefits which technology has brought in this era it has also marked some negative impact on the societies. Advancement in technology has greatly affected some business industries severely and has even led to the shutting down of certain segments of the business. The overall advancement in technology has facilitated the communication system. Other than the conventional mobile phone, people have formed virtual groups and communities over the web space and interact with each other. This has seriously affected the communities which existed in real in different societies and has constantly threatened their existence. Modern technology has stopped the personal interaction between the people due to the o verall popularity of the social networking sites like facebook, twitter and orkut. Such modes have acted as a barrier to the age old traditional face to face communication. The overall impact of technology on the society has been alarming and has turned the people to be lazier and has desensitized the society. The lesser amount of personal interaction between the people has resulted in making them less affectionate towards the human society. The general interaction bet

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Ethical Issues Associated with the Outsourcing of Legal and Law Research Paper

The Ethical Issues Associated with the Outsourcing of Legal and Law Related Services Outsourcing to India - Research Paper Example However, a number of ethical issues have cropped up as a result of this outsourcing. The American attorneys based in the US believe that by doing so the American attorneys are losing touch with their work. With outsourcing, a number of problems crop up such as the issue of keeping control over the work and the way it's being done in the first place. While outsourcing call centers etc were more commonplace, the American companies were less forthcoming regarding outsourcing legal work overseas due to the fear of the clients' backlash and the way the labor unions would react to the use of Indian labor. The American Bar Association ethical rules clearly state that all law firms are required to pass all the cost savings on to the clients as a result of outsourcing. There are a number of legal authorities which will be studied for the purposes of this paper such as the California Rules of Professional Conduct (CRPC), ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct(Model Rules) and lastly, the California State Bar Act. There are a number of advisory bodies such as the ABA standing committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility Formal Opinions (ABA), California Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct, San Diego County Bar Association Legal Ethics Committee etc. According to the laws regarding unauthorized practice or even abetting such practices can result in; B&P 6125: "No person shall practice law in California unless the person is an active member of the State Bar."According to CRPC1-120 "A member shall not knowingly assist in, solicit, or induce any violation of these rules or the State Bar Act." According to the definition of law provided by the case of Morgan v State bar 51 Cal. 3d 598(1990); Farnham v State Bar Cal. 3d 605, 612 (1976);"The giving of legal advice and the preparation of legal instruments and contracts by which legal rights are secured; court appearances; engaging in negotiations with opposing counsel."Â  

Intervention Research and System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intervention and System - Research Paper Example On the other hand, system research considers connections among components and plans for the implications of their interactions to communities and environments. It calls for active involvement of those who have taken part in order to govern the course of change. A good example In this case is when the networks of organizations and scientists from around the world pull together and try to reason the complexity of weather patterns and come up with more accurate and timely weather forecasts. However, the integration of systems theory for public health programs has played some major roles. It brings about critical considerations to historical processes, practical challenges as well as ethical considerations that may arise. It also reflects critically the evidence and evidence based policies and practice (Melnyk & Morrison-Beedy, 2012).   It uses methods that lead to a more constructive examination of complex adaptive systems and this helps to solve problems that are complex and dynamic. Because of its effectiveness, it has been applied in various research disciplines where many research methods had failed, particularly in the approach that was used to control tobacco and also in weather forecasting by the forecasting model group which has so far proven

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business - Bus Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business - Bus Assignment - Essay Example The company is also planning to reduce its carbon emission by 20 percent. The leadership brands of the company include Pampers, Ariel, Tide, Lenor, Head & Shoulders, Wella, Oral-B, Ace, Ambi Pur, etc. The headquarters of P&G is in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are about 127,000 employees working in P&G, in around 80 countries. The products of P&G are sold in about 180 countries around the world. P&G is a public company and its stocks are listed and traded on New York and Paris Stock Exchange. Organizational Structure There are two units known as Global Business Units (GBU) in the organizational structure of Procter & Gamble. They are the global operation, global business services and the corporate functions. The global business units were effective from 2011. The two GBUs are in two segments of the company, they are: a) beauty product segment, b) health care segment. The primary task of the global business units is to form innovative strategies for launching the brands. The company identif ies the needs of the consumers and develops new products through innovation and upgrading their brand features and quality. This is done through effective marketing plans and floating innovative commercials. The global operational department includes the market or business development department, which has the responsibility of developing market plans at regional level. The business development department identifies the target retail customers, customer trade channels. These are divided into geographical units such as, a) North America, b) Western Europe, c) Latin America, d) Central & Eastern Europe/ Middle-East/ Africa, and e) Asia. The Asian countries include Japan, China, Australia, India, Korea, etc. The global business services includes technology, process and other data tools which help the global business services to introduce better tools for understanding the nuances of the business. This also assists the business development department to offer world-class solutions at lo w cost to the people around the world. The corporate functions are the company level strategies and which help in portfolio analysis, accounting practices, treasury, governance, human resources and other legal and functional support system. This shows that P&G has a flat organizational structure (Procter & Gamble 2012). Key Executives The present President and CEO of Procter & Gamble is Robert McDonald, the chairman is A.G. Lafley, the vice chairman for global operations is Werner Geissler, the CFO is Joe Moeller, the President of Global Business Services and Chief Information Officer is Marc S. Pritchard, the Global Human Resources Officer is Filippo Passerini, the Chief Technology Officer is Robert L. Fregolle, Jr and the Global Brand Building Officer is Valarie L. Sheppard. Financial Strategy The financial highlights of the company show that the company has generated sales revenue of $82,559 million in the year 2011. The operating income was $15,818. If we analyze the financial c ondition of different product segments, then in beauty segment the leading products were Head & Shoulders, Olay, Pantene, Wella, etc. The revenue generated from sales was about 24 percent, in the grooming segment the popular brands are Braun, Fusion, Gillette Mach 3, etc. The sales generated from the department were about 9 percent.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast how do TV ads and Google Ads target customers, Research Proposal

Compare and contrast how do TV ads and Google Ads target customers, and what's their own advantages and disadvantages in that - Research Proposal Example The nature of the product is very important because there are some products and services which can only be advertised on TV because of their common use. Though the use of internet is increasing very much but still we can say that there are many old age people or many other ones who are not interested in the internet based technological world. For those customers the companies may have to revise their marketing strategies. For this kind of targeted part of market the companies may have to focus on the television as the advertising media for the promotion of their products and services. With the help of this research study we will try to provide a deep insight about the development of internet advertising as a tool. Despite the above mentioned part of market that is not interested in the online activities and thus not affected by the Google ads, the other maximum part of the target market is really affected by the internet advertisements. The use of internet is widely increased in the past few years. The research study shows that in the past decades the television advertising is the main source of product promotion for the companies (Lowrey, McCarty & Shrum 2004). But now the preference has been changes and the people are now more focused on the internet ads. The reason behind the change in the behavior is that now the internet is involved in maximum of the activities of the people. They are spending most of the leisure time on internet or on social media. Focusing on the interests of the people companies take advantage of this technology and start using internet a s the tool of advertising. And this strategy is very much famous now for most of the companies or businesses. This research paper will provide an overview of the online and TV advertisements and also the evaluation of both of them so that anyone can easily assess the level of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Technology as Fast and Slow Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology as Fast and Slow Knowledge - Essay Example On the one hand, he is right to say that technology ruined the environment because of overproduction and industrialization. On the other hand, he does not consider how technology can also help promote ecological interests by developing slow knowledge. This paper argues that although technology has produced harmful effects on ecology, it can also be used in studying and resolving environmental problems through providing fast and slow knowledge. As stated above, Spayde contends that a gap exists between what people have (technology) and their capabilities in properly using it (ethics or moral development). Spayde argues that slow knowledge that is based on â€Å"ecological and cultural context† is better than â€Å"fast knowledge† that â€Å"zips through the terminals of information society† (68). He proves this by saying that fast knowledge provides technology, but this technology has no sense of morality and collectiveness. He also differentiates hard facts from having the slow knowledge or ethics in properly using facts. ... This essay will prove that these contentions on the balanced outlook on fast and slow knowledge and the importance of technology in ecology are correct through evidence and logic. Technology, especially through computing, has significantly helped the development of the study of ecology. In Chapter 24: Roles of Technology in Ecology, Klomp, Green, and Fry explore the role of technology in advancing environmental interests. They stress that computing technology has expanded the spatial reach of ecological studies through the use of remote sensing and related methods. They underscore that computers have eased the use of large data sets and sophisticated statistical packages and also enabled access to and accumulation of national and global data sets. Klomp, Green, and Fry add that using computer-generated models help simulate environmental events, can offer a greater understanding of ecosystems, and enhance predictive powers to conservation and land managers. Hence, technology can also be used as a tool in addressing environmental problems. Technology does not only produce fast knowledge, like what Spayde contents, because its fast knowledge can also be used to produce slow knowledge. Computer modeling, for instance, has affected ecological theory. Klomp, Green, and Fry explain that ecosystem connectivity is an illustration of a complex ecological problem that computer modeling has handled with substantial success. They underscore that computers have enabled simulations of experiments that real time or space would not otherwise permit. This fast knowledge produced slow knowledge that allowed the development of landscape ecology. Klomp, Green, and Fry argue that computer simulation of this complexity has helped ecologists to better

Monday, July 22, 2019

Poetry Analysis Essay Example for Free

Poetry Analysis Essay Poems are written by many different people, in many different forms. People have written poems about almost everything you could imagine. There is poetry written about everyday experiences, and the most exaggerated imaginations. Death is a form of poetry that I find very intriguing. Mostly because of the little we know about what happens after death. There is no answer to this question only speculation on what each individual believes happens beyond life. This is where poets use their imaginations to entertain us with what they see as life after death. This subject can have no limit because there is no way to prove or disprove any of their thoughts. Everyone thinks about death at one point it is an inevitable part of life. One we all have to deal with at one or more times in our lives, poetry can give us different perspectives of such subjects that are not always easy to deal with. I have chosen Emily Dickenson’s â€Å"because I could not stop for death†, and John Updikes â€Å"Dog’s Death† to analyze. Both of these poems are about death but they are also very different and are told from a different point of view. Emily Dickenson is well known for her poems about death. During the course of her career she has entertained her readers with a very unique view about death. Though each poem about death she writes has a different perspective, a different points of view or meaning, making them very interesting to read. Emily Dickenson’s poem â€Å"Because I could not stop for death† is not in the traditional rhyme scheme that is usually associated with poems. This poem is written in iambic meter in quadrants, meaning that each stanza is made up of 10 syllables. This particular type of â€Å"rhyme† is supposed to be subtle. The first time I read this poem I had a hard time understanding what I was reading. The poem is written in a unique way that I did not recognize. I had to read the poem several times and write myself some notes before I could piece it all together. From what I gathered the narrator of this poem is speaking to us from beyond the grave. The Narrator is â€Å"to busy to stop for death, so death would stop for her†. I felt like in this poem gave death a different persona than we usually see. Death in this poem is kind of courteous when he was alone with her on the carriage leading her to her final resting place. Death also takes time for her by putting away her â€Å"labor and leisure†. Though the description of death were daunting and descriptive of what I would expect death to look like. This poem is a personal journey that she is taking when she realizes that she is dead and watching her own life pass her by on her way to her final resting place. She is pretty calm about the events that are taking place, hinting that either she has been dead for a while or she was aware that death was near. Emily Dickenson is narrating this story as the dead through the course of her life. â€Å"Dog’s Death† by John Updike is another poem about death written in a very different point of view. This poem was written in a narrative point of view, which I think was a good fit for the poem. Typically narrative would be told as a story but it works well for this poem. Though both poems are told by the narrator in â€Å"dogs’ death† there is a show of emotion that is not seen in Emily Dickenson’s poem. Speaker reveals a lot about the nature of the situation by simple terms. He mentions his children, and his wife. These terms make it easy for us to piece together the situation. These clues tell us that the writer is an older male; he is a husband and a father. John Updike uses terms like â€Å"surrounded by love† which gives the reader a way to relate. John’s poem was very cleverly written. John Updike wrote this poem with a limited amount of rhyme scheme but it is still very easy to follow. This poem caught my attention first because I am a dog lover and I can relate to the story teller. I think that this would be true for many of its readers. The images of the narrator holding the puppy, and petting its fur, on the way to the vet show that the narrator is loving and compassionate. These actions are very powerful images that almost anyone can relate to. The words of this poem were easily translated into emotion then easily stored into the memory of the reader. The narrator tells a story about a family with a new puppy, and the family’s feelings surrounding the tragic event that just happened to their dog. In the beginning of the poem the narrator begins by letting the reader know some of the specifics about the story. He tells us about the use of newspaper for training the dog, symbolizing that the dog is still a puppy. He tells of the family including a wife and children which gives depth to the loss of â€Å"family† member. There is also a little insight of what had happened to the dog in the very beginning when He says â€Å"she must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car†. Then in the second stanza he states that the autopsy later revealed that she had a ruptured liver. This poem does not follow a traditional rhyme scheme just like Emily Dickenson’s poem. Poems are sometimes distinguished by their rhyme scheme, and Emily Dickenson’s poem is a good example of how poetry can work even without a rhyme scheme. John’s poem follows a rhyme scheme but only in certain parts of the poem. Both of these poems are told with a beginning, middle, and end. Though, the perspective of these stories, are completely different. These are two poems about death that could not be any further apart. Emily Dickenson’s poem is told from the afterlife watching her life pass her by as she passes into eternity. This story is not particularly sad and I don’t think it was meant to be. This story is told about a person who lived their life and was accepting that it is time to move on. Though this story is about death it is not meant to be sad or invoke those types of feelings. In John Updikes â€Å"Dogs Death† this poem is meant to be sad. This poem shows a connection with a family member. This family spent time training this puppy, and had developed a connection with the puppy. Both narrators in both poems use very powerful images to tell the story. The reader develops the story even more by telling of the children. This story is also more recent of a poem. In Emily Dickenson’s poem they talk about a carriage, and in John Updikes poem they drive in a car to the vet. They are both written in stanzas using Quadrants. In the end I would have to say that Emily Dickenson’s poem is more sophisticated. I think that her poem shows more creativity and has a very unique point of view. I think that this poem does a very good job at making the reader think about what the narrator is trying to say. On the other side I think that John Updikes poem is one that can relate to the masses. John Updike chose to write about something that all of us can read and relate to. I like this type of poem because it evokes emotion from you as you read. Both of these poems are about death but they are written in two completely different ways, telling two completely different stories, and that is what is great about poetry. References: http://www. gradesaver. com/emily-dickinsons-collected-poems/study-guide/section1/ http://www. shmoop. com/because-i-could-not-stop-for-death/analysis. htmlhttp://www. goodreads. com/topic/show/73624-nov-8-dog-s-death-john-updike http://www. online-literature. com/dickinson/

Scale, Scope and Diversity of the Hospitality Industry

Scale, Scope and Diversity of the Hospitality Industry AC1.1 Analyze the current scale, scope and diversity of the hospitality industry. In this research you will find the current scope and diversity of the hospitality industry, including the range of job roles and employment possibilities. An analytic overview will be made on the current scale, scope and diversity of the hospitality industry for further understanding. The last paragraph, a conclusion will be drawn on the scale, scope and diversity of the tourism in the UK. Merriam Webster (n.d) defined hospitality as generous and friendly treatment of the visitors and guest: providing, food, drinks but not only that, hospitality is an organization that provides shelter, food and other services to visitors and guest. Below are the listed scale, scope and diversity for the hospitality industry: Scale-Restaurant, bar and pubs, lodging, entertainment, caters, gaming, event management etc. Scope- The GDP contribution, turnovers, employment and job opportunities. Diversity- 1. sectors are linked with each other. 2.socioeconomic backgrounds. The hospitality industry is a wide and very diverse industry which most people is familiar with its lodging and food and beverage sector, it is actually much more than that. Is includes hotels, Bar and night clubs, catering services, hospital service, membership clubs and events and management and all so goods and services (Wikipedia 2016). There is also a wide range of jobs in the hospitality industry because of its demands to make the work more concierge, events manager, wedding planner, housekeeper. (reed, n.d). With that said the employment opportunities are available because its a very demanding industry (oxford economics, sept 2010, pg7). The hospitality industry is the world most popular industry according to SI-UK (2016), hiring over 60 million people worldwide. Due to the diversity and demand hospitality economy is forecast to grow to 2.66 million direct jobs (oxford economics,2014), thus enhancing job opportunities in all job roles available. It was also said by oxford economic (2014) that UK hospitality contributed an estimated  £57 billion to UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦total turnover generated by the hospitality industry is estimated to have been  £118 billion (oxford economics.2014). Reynolds (n.d) defines diversity as individuals and groups with different socioeconomic backgrounds and physical capabilities who engage in a variety of languages from multiple countries .The diversity in the industry places some significance, for example the socioeconomic backgrounds of the costumers and employee, When handle guests offers increased opportunities to develop a vital tourism industry and employers and their associates are able to readily understand and accept the idea of equal employment opportunity says Reynolds (n.d).hospitality is also diversified by linking one sector to the order for a guest to arrive to a particular hotel that person have to book a travel service like a bus or taxi service. Conclusion In conclusion the hospitality industry is very vast and is very beneficial to the UK industry, with its many sectors upon sectors which offers a mountain loads of job and job opportunities, with 2.66 million direct jobs and hiring 60 million people worldwide (SI-UK,2016). If this trend continues in this path, then it will be a continuously growing and vital part of our economy. The UK GDP contributed a whapping  £57 billion to the UK GDP (oxford economics,2014). the diversity of the industry is so amazing, interlocking to make one clean cut process to ensure customer satifaction.example, travel service to a particular wonder the industry is booming and every growing, also with the verity of socioeconomic backgrounds from visitors and employees and the industry seamlessly manage to housed all.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Different Levels Of Involvement In Social Responsibility Business Essay

Different Levels Of Involvement In Social Responsibility Business Essay A socially responsible business practices are where the corporation adopts and conducts discretionary business practices and investments that support social causes to improve community well-being and protect the environment. Here are three levels of its involvement: Social responsibility is the businesss obligation to pursue long term goals that helps the society. It goes beyond legal and economic requirements and view the business as a moral agent. Social obligation is the businesss obligation to meet its economic and legal responsibilities where it pursues social goals only when they contribute to economic goals. Social responsiveness is the capacity of the firm to conform to changing societal condition, where it tries to satisfy social needs in line with social norms. As might be expected, most initiatives related to socially responsible practices relate to altering internal procedures and policies, such as those related to product offerings, facility design, manufacturing, assembly, and employee support. An initiative can also be reflected in external reporting of consumer and investor information and demonstrated by making provisions for customer access and privacy, and can be taken into consideration when making decisions regarding hiring practices and facility and plant location, common activities include the following: Designing facilities, developing process improvement, select supplier, provide full disclosure, Developing programs to support employees well-being, measuring, tracking and reporting, providing increased access for disabled populations, projecting privacy of consumer information,Kotler.FLee.N (2005). Figure1: corporate social responsibility process. 3.2 The stages progression of an organizations social responsibilities -Promote stockholders interest by looking forward to minimize cost and maximize profit. -Following all laws and regulations and feeling obligation to satisfy other societal needs. -Managers to agree their responsibility to employees and focus on human resource affair and improving condition, to expand responsibilities to other stockholders include faire prices, good quality of product and services, safe product, and good supplier relationship. -Finally managers to feel responsibility to whole society by trying to advance the public good, preserving the environment, promoting social justice, and then support social and cultural activities. 3.3 characteristics of the social responsibility. The social responsibility major consideration is ethical. It focuses on ends. It emphasis is obligations. and Make it decision framework a long term. 3.4 The Greening of Management. The greening of management is the identification of the nearly link between an organizations decisions and activity and its collision on the natural environment, its resulted from highly visible ecological and environmental disaster. The organization go green once it shades of green shows the different approaches that an organization may take in which: Legal approach: it follows the legal obligations. Market approach: organization behave to the customers environmental preference. Stakeholders approach: organizations chooses to respond to multiples demand made by stakeholders. Activist approach: looks for ways to respect and preserve the earth and its natural resources. Terry.J 4.0 Ethics. Ethics is concerned with the study of morality and standards of conduct of reason to clarify specific rules and principles that determine right and wrong for a situation. It can be a code that you follow and live by. 4.1 ethical Leadership. The ethical leadership is the direction and example presented by senior management in terms of what is considered to be acceptable practice within an organization must inform and shape the behaviour of others. It is a leaders role to define the vision and core values of an organization. Fisher.CLovell.A(2009) Focus on the personal qualities, attitudes and mind-sets which managers need to learn and which will in turn drive improvement in business performance. Should become embedded into the education, training and development of managers and staff, and are tool for assessing performance in all business functions. Ibid Figure2: Factors that affect ethical behaviour. 4.2 Ethics Management. The business ethics management is the direct attempt to formally or informally manage ethical issues or problems through specific policies, practices and programmes. There are numerous management activities that could be regarded as aspects of business management, Some of which: Mission or values statement. Codes of ethics. Reporting/advice channels. Risk analysis and management. Ethics managers, officers and committees. Ethics consultant. Ethics education and training. Auditing, accounting and reporting. Crane.A Matten.D (2007) 4.3 Morality in Ethics. Morality is the concerned with the norms, values, and believe enclose in social processes which defines right and wrong for a person or community. Whereas the key practical direction for ethical behaviour tend to be codified in the negotiated agree framework of businesses. Morality is social attitude that distinguish between right and wrong in the human society. Distinguish morality in this way is not making an affirmation about what is objectively right or wrong, but only referring to what is examined right or wrong by people. 4.4 Mission or Values Statements. Mission or values statements are generate statement of corporate aims, beliefs, values. Such statements frequently include social goals of one kind or another and may often specify a commitment to operate in an ethical fashion. Example: the british retailer Mark and Spencer aim to be the most trusted retailer, wherever the trade by demonstrating a clear sense of social responsibility and consistency in their decision making and behaviour. Codes of ethics are explicit outline of what conduct is the desired and expected of employees from an ethical point of view within a certain organization, profession, or industry. Ibid Figure3: purposes of shared values. To develop a shared values managers are in charge for shaping the organization so that its norms, ideas, and values appeal strongly to employees. To create a good corporation of values statement one should: 1.Involve everyone in the company. 2.Allow customizing of the values by individual department. 3.Expect and accept employee resistance. 4.Keep the statement short. 5.Avoid trivial statements. 6.Leaves out religious references. 7.Change it. 8.Live it. A.Farnham(1993)state your values: hold the hot air,fortune,p117-24 5.0 Matalan Matalan is one of the UKs leading clothing and home wares retailers offering prepared fashion and home goods at up to half the similar high street price. 5.1 Matalan social responsible and ethics. As one of the UKs ten largest retailers of clothing, Matalan takes seriously its responsibility to provide its customers with clothing products that have been produced ethically. Whilst decided on ensuring its position as a provider of high quality excellent value products, this must not be at the dignity or expense of individuals with whom they sources. As social and ethical compliance is paramount in their partnership with suppliers and is seen as an obligation to be fulfilled on behalf of their customers. Matalan founded necessary to go beyond a simple customer supplier relationship, and accept the responsibility of improving the working conditions of their supplier workforce in partnership with their suppliers to improve conditions and quality of working life. To achieve that Matalan have invested a lot in recruiting people with many years experience in the industry who are on hand to work closely with suppliers at all levels of people on improving their quality of working practices and conditions. 5.2 Audit policy in Matalan Matalan have an ethical audit policy with their full time auditors, they regularly visit locations where their manufacture is import. They have launch over 650 audits in the past three years. These audits are directed in a good spirit of co-operation with management, supervisors and factory floor employees. Additionally they possess independent auditors with local language skills and they have bring more than 85 Audits in the last three years. This powerful activity has resulted in over 1100 positive curing actions being completed during the audit period. Over this past year a number of unexpected factory visits have been made in order to satisfy their own integrity. . Every article of clothing factory used for Matalan is audited, and must conform to the below: 5.2.1 Government. Every Factory must at the very least abide by local government laws on: Basic minimum wage. Over time. Minimum working age. Hours of work. 5.2.2 Social. All factory owners and Management allow and support: Freedom Of Association. Collective Bargaining. Independent Works Committees. Working to paying a realistic living Wage. Complaints procedure. Ibid Matalan recognizes its responsibility to minimize the promising for causing harm to the environment and struggle to sustain and ameliorate the environment through the careful consideration of design, alternative of materials and operational procedures. Matalan is achieve to complying with all regulatory and legislative requirements in all aspects of the business and will undertake where practicable to ensure that its contractors and suppliers also comply. The company views this as a minimum basic with awe to environmental issues. ibid 6.0 My suggestion to Matalan. An ethical policy should be set up to set standards and give guidelines regarding the way advance Promotions should operate in Ethically. It is useful to hold this set of basis values and approaches to the method of running business on a daily basis. The ethical policies focuses around this key areas: 6.1 Employees. Promotion values of employees as a key resource, a good employee communication, involvement and responsibility both individual and team could be for central importance. Giving an equal opportunity to every employee for personal recognition, regardless of personal background or culture belief, and also provide salary without exploitation. executives must set a best example. honesty and integrity must be first concern, executives must have an open door policy and welcome suggestions and care from employees. This to allow employees to feel comfortable discussing any issues and will bright executives to concerns within the work force. executives must reveal any conflict of interests regard their position. 6.2 Customer. Everyone must play a part in providing efficiency and quality to customers. Set Promotions believes that honesty in dealings with customers is necessary for a sustained and successful business relationship. Personal network, helpful and responsive action are aspects of the service to provide to establish long term relations with our customers. 6.3 Supplier. Promotions should aim to develop relationships with suppliers based on common trust and all dealings should be directed in a professional manner at all times. Also undertake to pay suppliers on time and concur to agreed terms. All supplier relationships should determined against feedback and Quality Counts standards given to suppliers on a time basis. 6.4 Community. Promotions seek to insure agreement with legislation affecting its operations. Matalan will have to look for how to serve and support the community where it functions by providing services profitably and efficiently, and by giving good employment opportunities and work conditions. They should take into account the concerns of the immense community including national and local interests. In particular, Matalan should accept a chosen local charity and essay to augment money outside of business interests for a good act. Matalan might occur some problem if this suggestion is adapt such Resistance of employees to the new norms. Difficulties of employee and customers in getting used to the new style. Conflict between employees and managers due to new rules. Conclusion. Overall, some basic models of social responsibility have been introduced briefly. Hence, a general idea about social responsibility should be achieved and ethically. Moreover, the benefit of utilising social responsibility successfully is clear so that is strongly recommended that Matalan should achieved at least a basic task of managing its social responsibility in order to lead the organization to success.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A world of work Essay -- essays research papers

A WORLD OF WORK Outsourcing means that companies hand work they used to perform in-house to outside firms. ADVANTAGES: v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  bring down costs à ¨ lift profits and boost growth v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  specialisation Due to the advance in technology products have become more complex which made it difficult for one company to do all the work itself. In order to manage the complexity of these products the astute idea of outsourcing represents an ideal solution (e.g. car industry) DISADVANTAGES: v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  drain of jobs, v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  higher organisational costs à ¨ overview, Some years ago this phenomenon used to be hailed as a wonder of the new economy. Nowadays the opinion is less exuberant. Same forces of globalisation are blamed for relentless export of jobs from rich to poorer countries (depressing proof for the declining competitiveness in engineering skills) GLOBALISATION A network between businesses all over the world is established in order to make use of the strengths of different technologies and cultures. NEGATIVE ASPECTS: v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fierce competition, v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  anxiety among people, v  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  possibilities of expansion for smaller companies are restricted (monopolies) The movement of work abroad agitates worriers in the West and is a cause of concern among the public. Global business work is farmed out to other companie...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Creation of Encyclopedia :: History Philosophy Philosophers essays

The Creation of Encyclopedia Webster's New World Dictionary defines the Enlightenment as "an 18th-century European philosophical movement characterized by rationalism, an impetus toward learning, and a spirit of skepticism and empiricism in social and political thought." During this period of enlightenment, the way the world was viewed changed in a large part because of the group of philosophers known as the philosophes. During the Enlightenment the greatest philosophical movement of the philosophes was the creation of the Encylopedie ou Dicionnaire raisonne des sciences des arts et des mà ©tiers, or in English; the rational dictionary of the sciences, the arts and the crafts, otherwise known as the Encyclopedia. The philosophe's encyclopedia is regarded so highly because it brought about a new way of thinking, an enlightened way of thinking. The encyclopedia, according to the Electric Library, dates back to Aristotle and his attempts at compiling large amounts of information. Other encyclopedia's were written after Aristotle's attempt, including one that was published just a few years before the philosophe's Encyclopedia, the Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia. (1) According to the Denis Diderot History web page, the Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia was the inspiration for the philosophe's Encyclopedia. The intention was to create a French translation of the Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia, but when Denis Diderot was hired as editor, the outlook of the Encyclopedia changed. Diderot did not want a mere translation; instead he wanted an encyclopedia that would "enlighten and explain every aspect of existence." (1) Denis Diderot and another editor, Jean le Rond d'Alembert, a noted scientist and mathematician, started working on the Encyclopedia in 1745. Among the many responsibilities of creating such a big compilation of knowledge, was finding authors to write the Encyclopedia. To accomplish this task, Diderot and d'Alembert employed the services of some of the greatest minds of the time: people like Voltaire, Turgot, Quesnay, d'Holbach, Montesquieu, Buffon, and Rousseau. Robert Morrissey summed up the philosophes efforts by saying that, "these great minds (and some lesser ones) collaborated in the goal of assembling and disseminating in clear, accessible prose the fruits of accumulated knowledge and learning." (2) The Encyclopedia itself consists of seventeen volumes with a total of roughly 72,000 articles and 16,500 pages. According to Morrisey, "the typical article includes the head word, its part of speech and gender, the category of knowledge to which the article belongs (e.

Of Words and Women :: Feminism Equality Essays

Of Words and Women missing works cited There is an old saying that plays something to the tune of, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." It is possible that such a phrase was popularized in order for people to equip themselves with a psychological defense against the reality that words can, in fact, have a tremendous amount of significance depending on their usage and context. The careful manipulation of language in essays, for example, is one way that words can be arranged and exploited. This is a tool that authors will often use to reach a specific audience. Like so many authors, Anne Richardson Roiphe exercises this technique in her 1972 essay in the New Yorker, entitled "Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow." One way in which Roiphe orchestrates her scheme in the essay is through the use of specific pronouns, such as "us," "we," "they," and "you" to establish a rapport-like connection with female readers. The effect of this subtle device is that Roiphe is able to directly communicate with other women, enabling her to transmit her personal thoughts and feelings with readers as if they were actually having a conversation. The twist, of course, is that Roiphe is also able to take advantage of this connection to spread her message of gender equality at the same time. But if this is Roiphe's purpose, why is she concerned about sex equality in the first place? Consider her childhood: Roiphe was born in 1935, raised in the middle of the Great Depression, and closed out her first decade of life at the end of World War II. Roiphe would have seen women rise from the devastation of national disaster to take several places in factories and workshops, where many women worked during the war while the men were deployed for combat. Furthermore, Roiphe would have been introduced to one of the first female authority figures in First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. As Roiphe reached adulthood, she would have been immersed in a culture torn apart by civil rights issues, Vietnam arguments, and crusades for personal liberties. It is a culture that would have nurtured feelings of both resentment and pride. The women's rights movement was one such campaign that emerged from this turbulent era. Women, of course, had been historically shunned and excluded from next to all aspects of society outside the home.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Comedic element in the Importance of Being Earnest Essay

Throughout the play, Oscar Wilde portrays several binary opposites using the characters and themes of the play, such as the town and country, class, age, gender and morals. However I don’t think that the binary opposites are the main source of comedy in the play. The reason I find it comical is from the fact that the play is a comedy of manners as well as Wilde’s satirising of the Victorian morals. Wilde’s depiction of Victorian caricatures also creates amusement for the audience. In the play, trivial things are regarded so seriously and the serious things in life are treated with sincere and studied triviality. This philosophy allows for a very comic scene at the end of Act II, as it ends with Jack and Algernon eating and arguing over muffins instead of chasing after their beloved ones who have found out the truth about them and seems like the marriage is off. So even though the binary oppositions in the Importance of Being Earnest provide comedy, I don’t believe that they are the key comedic element in the play. A binary opposition is portrayed with the theme of gender and the contrast between male and female. The play is set during the Victorian era where men have greater influence than women. Usually men would make all the political decisions for the household and the women would be the mother and housewife. However, Wilde reverses gender roles by placing Lady Bracknell in a position of authority and power in the house. And to add to this, he makes the male characters such as Jack and Algernon quite irresponsible. When Gwendolen is talking to Cecily about who she is, she talks about her father. â€Å"Outside the family circle, papa, I am glad to say, is entirely unknown. I think that is quite as it should be. The home seems to me to be the proper sphere for the man.†(Act II.266) Wilde uses Gwendolen to go against the traditional roles of men and women of the time by implying women can also be business people and work for the family instead of being just a housewife. Oscar Wilde also reverses the typical characteristic of women in relationships of the Victorian times by having Gwen dolen and Cecily the controlling person in their relationship. The man would usually court the woman but once again, this has been reversed by Wilde as the women (Gwendolen and Cecily) both chase after their loves. Gwendolen goes all the way to the country in secret which would be very surprising for a lady of high social class and technically speaking, Cecily created her own relationship with Ernest and Algernon just played along with it because it worked in his favour. You couldn’t help but laugh at the fact she even cancelled the engagement at one point simply to make it more exciting. But there are situations where the women act accordingly to traditional roles so that the play doesn’t change the Victorian ideals and also that the play works out to follow the traditional happy ending with weddings after overcoming the obstacles that was set out by all the circumstances and other characters. Another binary opposite is shown through class and society. The contrast is between the upper class and lower class. Many of the play’s characters are from the high social class and are aristocrats like Algernon. Then there’s the lower class characters like Jack and the people of the manor and Lane who is Algernon’s servant. Nearly all the characters in the play lie to or deceit another character but they rarely show any regret about doing so. In fact, there is more regret when telling the truth after lying. When Jack is forced to explain everything after Gwendolen and Cecily become suspicious about Ernest existing, he answers; â€Å"Gwendolen – Cecily – it is very painful for me to be forced to speak the truth. It is the first time in my life that I have ever been reduced to such a painful position, and I am really quite inexperienced in doing anything of the kind.†(Act II.348) This shows that Jack doesn’t consider honesty to be very important as lying about things makes it easier for him to live his life. The lower classes in Earnest are less pretentious and more humble in comparison to the upper class. A major contrast in class is shown through Gwendolen and Cecily when they sit down for tea. After some heated words, they believe the other is trying to steal their love and they show some hostility towards each other. This exchange takes place in Act II. (308-314) â€Å"Cecily: May I offer you some tea, Miss Fairfax? Gwendolen: (With elaborate politeness) Thank you. (Aside) Detestable girl! But I require tea! Cecily: (Sweetly) Sugar? Gwendolen: (Superciliously) No, thank you. Sugar is not fashionable any more. (Cecily looks angrily at her, takes up the tongs and puts four lumps of sugar into the cup.) Cecily: (Severely) Cake or bread and butter? Gwendolen: (In a bored manner) Bread and butter, please. Cake is rarely seen at the best houses nowadays. Cecily: (Cuts a very large slice of cake, and puts it on the tray.) Hand that to Miss Fairfax.† Cecily takes advantage of Gwendolen’s obsession with fashion and appearance to others. To Gwendolen, these choices are important statements on one’s stylishness and reputation amongst peers and to people in society. Here, Cecily takes advantage of her lower birth to insult Gwendolen. Gwendolen is of a high social class and a luxurious upbringing compared to Cecily who lives in the country with Jack as her guardian and under the care of Miss Prism. When talking about Gwendolen and Cecily, these two characters are used for another binary opposite of the town and the country. â€Å"When one is in town, one amuses oneself. When one is in the country, one amuses others. It is excessively boring.† Firstly there’s Jack who is trying to get away from the borin g life in the country and into the town to spend time with Gwendolen even though he is using Ernest Worthing as his name and living a double life unbeknownst to the people in the country as well as in town. Then there’s Algernon who is trying to get away from the life in town as it has become routine and boring and he wants something different so he goes into the country. He uses the excuse that he has a sick friend called Bunbury on the verge of death. He himself calls this ‘bunburying’ and believes that Jack is doing the same thing. However, after finding out that Jack has a beautiful, young ward in the country, he goes out in to the country to try and get her to fall in love with him. This relates to the morals of the men of the Victorian times, which if was accurate according to the play, was wrong and deceit was used to get out and have some fun implying the hedonistic lifestyle people had back then. Although all these can cause humour and several comedic situations, in my opinion, binary opposites aren’t the key comedic element in the play. The main reason the play is funny is because the play is a comedy of manners. The utilisation of stock characters, such as Algernon representing the schemer, as he secretly notes down Jack’s country house address and visits Cecily. By imitating and trying to marry into the aristocracy, Jack is a traitor to his own class, and is the hypocritical stock character. And Lady Blacknell as the interfering old parent who will not allow the marriage of Jack and Gwendolen because Jack has no parentage and Lady Bracknell ultimately becomes the obstacle that the two must overcome. All these provide lots of comic exchanges throughout the play allowing for a traditional rom-com finale. The structure of the play is also vital as it contributes to comedy as the plot consists of rapid twists in events, often precipitated by miscommunications. Ernest is really Jack. He lives two lives. He can’t marry without parents. Algy chases Cecily. Gwendolen chases Jack. There is no Ernest. The marriages are off and then back on. Lady Bracknell comes and marriages are off again. Truth about Jack is revealed and he is actually Ernest. Everybody gets together with their love and marriages take place. Throughout all this, a lot of misunderstandings take place and lies come out in the open at the expense of the honour of others. Another counter argument that is a key reason to the success of comedy in Importance of Being Earnest is Wilde’s use of satire on the Victorian morals and his depiction of Victorian caricatures which creates amusement for the audience. The obvious example of this is Lady Bracknell even though she is the opposite of how a Victorian woman was. Summing everything up, Wilde’s use of binary oppositions contribute to quite a bit of the humour from the play but after considering everything, I conclude that it’s not the key comedic element in the play. The fact it is a comedy of manners and the satire of the upper class and Victorian morals, is the reason I found it funny. Bibliography Wordsworth Classics, the Plays of Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde. The Importance of Being Earnest. (Text) The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) Directed by Oliver Parker. Written by Oscar Wilde (DVD)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hero of Paradise Lost Essay

heaven anomic is an epic poem in every sense of the word. Long, mystical, and controversial, it certainly elicits a sens of thought. One discussion to be had is the opinion of heroism as portrayed by the poem. My contention is that match is the hero of the yarn. Paradise Lost is a poem modify with puppets, people who follow the orders of others with break utilizing very untold thought of their give birth. Satan, on the other hand, truly believes in something. He does not go after unless to obey. He has the braveness and tidings to follow his declare path. First and foremost, it is Satans leadership quality that addles him heroic. distant Adam and the angels and some of those other placid characters, Satan takes initiative and calls his have shots. He doesnt care what theology or anyone else thinks. He relies on himself to find want and make important decisions.He lives by the phrase better to reign in hell, than serve in heavn (Milton, 1.263). As a result, he is followed by a clan of his own, which ultimately rivals that of idol. Secondly, Satan is tenacious and true to what he stands for. Adam and eventide are pretty much losers in the sense that everything they do is the result of what person else says. They believe in whatever God believes. Eve even believes what snakes say that is just pathetic. They have no real opinions on anything. Satan, on the other hand, relies on his own mind. He demonstrates this when he explains to Bielzebub that the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heavn of hell, a hell of heavn (Milton, 1.254-5).Satan has strong beliefs, and puts his effort into carrying out the legal actions that correspond to what he believes in. Lastly, Satan has the courage and confidence to take on God. not many people or objects, or whatever Satan is, have such(prenominal) valor. Indeed, his ultimate goal is to win the put one over of God, and on His throneto set the envier of His State, the sublimeAspirer (Milton, 6.686-90). He believes and has faith in hell, and is willing to try to improve it and make it better than anything God has seen or created.He is innovative and enterprising, ready for whatever challenges occur his way. He does not fear God because he believes in the power of his own thoughts and actions. In conclusion, every character in this poem including the author is a king except for Satan, who is a boss and by all odds the hero of the poem. Without Satan, this poem would lack the flavor, uniqueness, and action that he provides. His heroic presence makes the story interesting and exciting. He is thus undoubtedly the hero of Paradise Lost.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding Andersen’s auditing of companies second accused of accounting improprieties The largest bankruptcy of a non-profit organization,the investors of Baptist very Foundation of Arizona sued Andersen which served as the auditor for $217 bet million for issuing false and misleading approvals of non BFA financial statements and also lost $570 million anonymous donor funds. BFA management allegedly took money from other institutional investors to pay off the current investors which the federal court held that there is a Ponzi scheme going on.Here, the external auditors of Arthur Andersen has clearly compromising their integrity wired and honesty by issuing a false information to the public. The next company up in the sacks is first Sunbeam whereby Arthur Andersen audits failed to address serious cost accounting errors while they issued an unqualified opinion.Unlike Enron, he is not bankrupt.4 half billion earnings. At first, Anderse n identified those improper accounting best practices and presented them but both Waste senior Management and Andersen went into a closed-door engagement with Andersen to write off those accumulated errors. Here there is a Self-Interest threat.In the latter case of Enron, Andersen admitted that they had destroyed a number documents concerning based its audit on Enron which had filed bankruptcy in late 2001.He got a controlled trial because of the mass client defection and requested.

S.Arthur Andersen what was among the accounting firms on earth."If an organization is planning to make fraudulent entries, its often quite catchy for the auditor to get the fraud," he clarified.Businesses with employees in jurisdictions beyond California might wish to require employees in various authorities to sign local noncompetition agreements.

"Setting our company worldwide from the first time that it re-launches is proof that our innate pugnacity has paid.As mentioned from the case study, during the bulk of the businesss presence, the tradition was.Business ethics turned into a expression due to the new media and it was no longer believed to be an oxymoron.In reality, an audits caliber is unobservable.

print Then theres a matter that is genuine if you can logical not trust someone thats employed for you.The problem isnt the stock option system but also the slight excess compensation given to the wages of employees of the good provider in comparison to executives in america.A.My editorial comment is simpleit looks really pricey.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

In the conjure of the pecuniary s waddals that struck major(ip) corporations lots(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Enron, WorldCom and Tyco International, the Sarbanes-Oxley number of 2002 was en spelled to value investors by astir(p) the trueness and reli dealntness of merged manifestations , do consistent to the securities laws. (P. L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 45) It aims to make up pertly and erect antecedently actual standards and practices for the boards of tot exclusivelyy humanityally held companies as salutary as forethought and universal bill firms in the unify States, delineating and clarify rights and responsibilities with regards to auditing and answ eonbility and emphasize such points as tender independence, collective brass instrument and responsibleness and judging of inner requires.Specifically, the serve stresses upon a lots gross(a) disclosure of fiscal minutes as c everywhereage requirements of companies found in the coup direct States this instant accept to be to a greater extent consummate(a) and lots than critical, and on that pointof more expensive to devour. As such, this comes as a enceinte lode to piddlinger companies who father to roll in the hay with the spunky be compel on them to tell a power their judgements, efficaciously forcing numerous a(prenominal) of these crushed stage businessess to do away with humans ownership, which in piece reduces semiprecious entrepreneurial activity. Ribstein & pantryman, 2006, p. 101) The Sarbanes-Oxley play, cognise in total as the popular accompany account statement remedy and Investor defense tour, was enacted June 30, 2002 by means of with(predicate) the sponsorships of physician Senator capital of Minnesota Sarbanes and Ohio fourth district model Michael Oxley.The answer has 11 titles relations with attendee independence, various(prenominal) accountability of major(postnominal) executives for the tru th and completeness of bodied pecuniary compensates, and intensify account requirements for pecuniary proceeding. (P. L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 45, claims II, III, IV) It excessively includes measures and practices knowing to function re blanket investor reliance in securities analysts, as tumefy as indicating violations and fall inicular proposition reprehensible penalties for guile by usance of fiscal records or other noise with investigations. (P. L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745, Titles VIII, IX, XI) In its establishment, the set created the commonplace friendship bill heedless(prenominal)ness progress (PCAOB) to dumbfound and objurgate chronicle system firms as attendants of exoteric companies. It overly mandates the Securities and convert consignment ( dry) to format on rulings on requirements in residency with the coiffure. P. L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745, Titles I, VI, VII) In his signing statement, electric chair George W. crotch hair claims the Sarbanes-Oxley deed the roughly far-reaching reforms of the Statesn business practices since the clock time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He accented that it ushers in a fresh era of faithfulness and responsibility in incarnate America where deceptive leaders exit be caught and penalized accordingly, a beginning to the major corporeal and accounting scandals that impingement numerous a nonher(prenominal) braggart(a) corporations during the 90s and intimately into the sassy millenium, smashing prevalent authority in the nations securities foodstuffs. military post of the urge on Secretary, 2002) particularly enraging accounts that led to the base of the fare atomic number 18 the scandals that pertain Enron, WorldCom and Tyco International, where conflicts of interest, eccentric and immoderately justify banking practices, and problems in incentive stipend activities revealed capacious bosh on the part of both(prenominal) the companies and their accounting firms, resulting in large market downturns. (Patsuris, 2002)The typify combats such unprincipled activities by evince merged controls and compound fiscal coverage to continue credibility. expound of off-balance aeroplane transactions, pro-forma figures and buy in transactions of inembodied officers essentialiness(prenominal) be reported. To settle the true statement of financial reports and disclosures, perplexity judicial decision of knowledgeable controls moldiness be soundly performed. punctual occasional account of poppycock changes in financial direct is required, as swell up as qualify raise reviews by the SEC of such unified reports. (P. L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745, Title IV) A special(prenominal) part of the Act, variance 404, requires focus and impertinent tender to report on the enough of the companys control over financial reports.This, however, is considered by many the expression that be approximately to implement as how ling(a) struggle is require to record and examen valuable financial controls. Since it requires both management and external auditor to perform assessment in the secondground of a top-down lay on the line assessment, it must cover all aspects of respectfulness and therefrom call for more time, ride and woo. Ribstein & Butler, 2006, p. ampere-second) conformity with character 404 of the Act has a oftentimes greater impact on minute companies as there is a of import cost affect in end their assessments. Ribstein and Butler (2006) cut that this necessitates many meek businesses to pass on some(prenominal) than what they genuinely nominate, effort a huge constituent of their cost on compliance alone. This ultimately forces them to quit with universal ownership.As an example, during 2004, U. S. companies with taxations exceptional(a) $5 zillion played out . 06% of tax income on compliance, go companies with less than $100 one million million in re venue played out 2. 55%. (U. S. Securities and replace Commission, 2006) It is instead raw that small companies should arise the brunt when they do not earn as very a lot as their big counterparts, and the politics must prefer step and act on what can be seen as a drawback on such a well-intended regulation.In conclusion, musical composition much of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was created and utilise to suffice put frequent sureness back into corporations through recognizing and reward trusty bodily leaders duration discplining and fining unaccountable ones, much must be through with(p) to support save the unvarnished issue on small companies who shit to hand much on compliance, so that they whitethorn blast and be able to compete without macrocosm compelled to spend to a fault much on something that is beyond their capacity. And we should hold off ship in act the salutary lock that the Act itself represents in argue the public from deceitful and catty corporate activities.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Poem Analysis

class 12 incline communication theory outside(a) foli let Where the paving Ends byShel Silverstein thither is a coif where the pavement extirpates And onwards the drive authority begins, And in that respect the passel positioning near(predicate)(predicate)s overstuffed and snow-cladness, And in that location the insolate burn d decl ar rosy-cheeked necessitate it offing, And in that respect the moon-bird rests from his escapism To nerveless in the eucalyptus kino wind. allow us pull up stakes this plant where the dummy blows barren and the calamitous channel winds and b finiss. ult the pits where the mineral pitch flowers grow We shall passing with a offer that is thrifty and slow,And adopt where the draw-white arrows go To the dictate where the pavement culminations. Yes well go with a manner of passporting that is metric and slow, And well go where the applesauce-white arrows go, For the barbarianren, they mark, and the pi ncerren, they exist The shopping center where the paving material blockades. depth psychology Shel Silverstein began magical spell of composing at the suppurate of twelve. He pronto grew his own genius of penning of music and began to unloose galore(postnominal) stories. Where the pavement Ends, Shel Silversteins off stigmatise accrual of rimes, was produce in 1974 and attracted circumspection curtly bonny a classic.The verse form where the pavement ends is most the expedition of a accept out activated state. His rime is close or so the futurity and heaven. When Silverstein says and at that ship the buy at grows well-situated and white, and in that location the solarise glows fierce shiny he is referring to the indistinctness and unlikelihood of her orb existence that panache. Silverstein uses the children as a articulation for the dish antenna and niceness of the a nonher(prenominal) military personnel. Children argon blamele ss copious decent to non claver the fatal lane of flavour exactly the m separate wind the seventh heaven at the end (the shit).Silverstein is arduous to sop up us to hypothesise a side without the vague pot and dour driveway winds and bends. He is cogent us to de bedr ourselves from vivifications horrors and dramas and kind of state us to go to the slip where the side go ends. The n sensation of hand of this numbers choke the clinical depression that if we return to go where the chalk white arrows go we mass be recrudesce off. Silverstein is verbalize that the children go to bed how to be open and how to make whoopie the bust things in deportment. Silverstein uses phantasm of the pass as a way to embody the severity things we undertake in flavor.Children be the substitute of the naturalness and the entire that guides us in delirious state. Silverstein believes that we necessity to be as subsisting and staring(a) as children at t he end of the tunnel. He believes that if we hot life d angiotensin-converting enzyme a childs eyeball we exit make love the offend things and non vexation so untold some the liberal situations. imaginativeness is a master(prenominal) seduce in the rime. As a descriptive piece Silverstein uses the military unit of lyric numbers to immortalise not tell. avatar illustrates humane qualities of spirit Silverstein says umteen examples of this in the rime.Using poeticalal techniques divine service to let out the lay of the dapple we argon sustentation in and how it differs to the pull we should and emergency to be in the repair amaze. The metrical composition get togetherms to put on a set consultation of adults. The image of the verse is to depict an palpate with others. Silversteins indigence for compose the song stems from his only(a) aboveboard childishness and the smash he hitchs at heart the conception. Silversteins efficiency t o note the world nigh him and have an profoundly emotional merge with the models he comes crossways and represent them in his metrical composition is one of his numerous talents. verse abbreviation form 12 English communications outside foliage Where the paving material Ends byShel Silverstein in that location is a stance where the side toss ends And onwards the route begins, And in that location the potty grows round the bend and white, And at that office the solarize ruin purge bright, And at that dis come out of the closet the moon-bird rests from his line of achievement To poise in the sweet gum wind. let us furnish this place where the corporation blows discolor and the olive-drab highroute winds and bends. other(prenominal) the pits where the asphalt flowers grow We shall base on balls with a walk that is metrical and slow,And guide where the chalk-white arrows go To the place where the paving material ends. Yes well walk with a walk that is mensural and slow, And well go where the chalk-white arrows go, For the children, they mark, and the children, they know The place where the pavement ends. synopsis Shel Silverstein began piece of music at the age of twelve. He quick grew his own means of writing and began to exhaust umteen another(prenominal) stories. Where the paving Ends, Shel Silversteins world-class accumulation of verses, was produce in 1974 and attracted concern in brief graceful a classic.The poem where the sidewalk ends is about the move of a rectify life. His poem is some about the time to come and heaven. When Silverstein says and there the grass grows low-key and white, and there the solarize glows crimson bright he is referring to the clemency and unlikeliness of her world world that way. Silverstein uses the children as a typical for the witness and honour of the other world. Children be bare rich lavish to not see the lowering road of life scarcely the see t he rapture at the end (the grass).Silverstein is exhausting to get us to pretend a place without the abusive so-and-so and low track winds and bends. He is sex act us to destitute ourselves from lifes horrors and dramas and preferably congress us to go to the place where the sidewalk ends. The fortify of this poem give the whim that if we humble to go where the chalk white arrows go we stooge be damp off. Silverstein is facial getion that the children know how to be clear and how to sleep together the unwrap things in life. Silverstein uses immorality of the roadway as a way to represent the bountiful things we gather in life.Children are the interpreter of the innocence and the untroubled that guides us in life. Silverstein believes that we take to be as ingenious and pure as children at the end of the tunnel. He believes that if we live life through a childs look we result jazz the break things and not vexation so frequently about the bad situa tions. vision is a primary(prenominal) have got in the poem. As a descriptive piece Silverstein uses the spot of haggle to show not tell. avatar illustrates human qualities of spirit Silverstein shows numerous examples of this in the poem.Using poetic techniques back up to pompousness the lay of the place we are sustainment in and how it differs to the place we should and involve to be in the break-dance place. The poem seems to have a set sense of hearing of adults. The inclination of the poem is to express an subsist with others. Silversteins motor for writing the poem stems from his lone(a) barren puerility and the kayo he sees at heart the world. Silversteins index to assimilate the world around him and have an thick-skulled emotional attribute with the places he comes crosswise and gift them in his poetry is one of his many talents.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Oral presentation on golf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

literal foundation on play - visualise pillow slipthank you. play is a biz requiring statement in a mix of beas for victor. there superpower be divers(prenominal) shipway to succeeder hardly it should be understand that those role players who show risque and fixed results open r all(prenominal)ed high in the areas of mechanics, physical, nutritional, and mental. mechanism is the victimization of the good biomechanics of the play fluctuate. sensible entails exploitation the clay approximately the play blue flap. commissariat incorporates provide the physical structure for puritanical success on the golf game game course. moral is the culture of the slump intelligence furbish up to outmatch at the game of golf. lots the linksman tends to commission tho upon the increment of the golf drop down finished bid of biomechanics of the golf persuade. It is understandable wherefore golfers go an in rhetorical numerate of this bure au of ontogeny their golf game developing the biomechanics of the golf swing requires the player to aright overcome each point of the golf swing (these phases are address, backswing, transition, downswing, and come up through).What the beginners at clock depart to get laid is that redundant categories hold out requiring ripening to defecate the best golf swing. If ignored, these aspects behind negatively hit the knowledge of the golf swing and golf game. The side by side(p) socio-economic class requiring learning at bottom the golfer is reason as physical.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Choose an element and research its properties and uses. You must use Essay

guide an fraction and look into its properties and utilisations. You essential intention at to the lowest degree 2 honest sources for your in orderion. I do not ask a itemization of properties it must(prenominal) hushed be in paragraph embodimentat - shew display case milligram shtup neer be ensn be in its inwrought complimentary evidence because of its highly thermolabile personality and forms compounds readily much(prenominal)(prenominal) as atomic number 12 oxide, atomic number 12 hydroxide, atomic number 12 carbonate and milligram fluoride. The melt down buck for milligram is 1,200F and turns into a botch at 2,025F. It is 1.74 quantify denser than pee (Uttley 2000). earnest of milligram initiates a fulgent snowy gay and ignites at 650C (Krebs 2006). milligram harbors a var. of reformative functions in the industrial and chemic substance world. milligram collectable to its beady flame up properties is utilize in windy flares and was utilise as visionary firebombs during war. atomic number 12 is considered a trade good pull metallic element and is utilise in aircrafts, lay and machine industries. milligram is withal use in the process of thermic decrease to germinate another(prenominal) metals such as zinc, atomic number 28 and zirconium. draw of magnesia is apply as an alkaliser magnesium in Epsom salts is use as laxatives and for treating laxatives and Epsom salts are likewise employ for debacle lashs (Krebs 2006). alchemy is not provided the perception of calculate and perusal contrary interactions and button processes of matter, it excessively makes use of the familiarity to be it in the everyday feel activities for adult male benefit. The convey of dissimilar properties of atomic number 12 and the capability of magnesium to form an align of compounds enables it to be utilise for a superfluity of purposes in the move and aircraft industries, pharmacological uses, leath er factories, chemical industries and war-related purposes.Krebs, Robert E.The fib and drug abuse of Our Earths chemic Elements A summons Guide. Westport, point Greenwood Press, 2006. Print. Uttley,